Courier services from A - Z
Unlimited possibilities
It is important to you to place your time-critical transport in reliable hands? With a partner who can react with the maximum flexibility by using predominantly small vehicles? Then put your trust in our express expertise and you will gain satisfied customers. Whether it is a matter of just-in-time transport or deliveries in emergencies (e.g. for trade fairs and events or for the pharmaceutical industry), we can help you. Even if you only want to shift a few kilos that need to be cooled or heated during transport. And if you need to transport goods that are larger or more specialised, we will be happy to find a suitable solution for you.
Our Services
General cargo express shipments, courier service and express transport
From A as in automobile parts to S as in squid to Z as in zithers, nothing is impossible.
From small to large
Special requirements
Exceptionally time-critical
Approachable and flexible
Our portfolio
Our specialised offer regarding time-critical courier services and special deliveries:
- Europe-wide special deliveries with or without a lifting platform
- Especially UK / Ireland / Scandinavia
- ADR cl. 1-7 incl. §20
- Vehicle and trailer transfers
- Pre-carriage / post carriage
- Trade fair transport
- Refrigerated transport
- Pharmaceutical transport (GDP)
- Transshipments
- Customs clearance
Urgent Transport and Courier Services
Ready for action in the blink of an eye
Our order processing is a breeze! Enjoy a straightforward, transparent and friendly service from start to finish.
Non-binding enquiry
Planning & costs
years of experience
shipments daily
We have the answers to your questions
Of course it is! We have underwritten a freight carrier’s policy (with 40 ZSR) for you in accordance with §229 Para. 2, No. 1, of the German Commercial Code (HGB) for a sum of 1.5 million euros, limited per damage to goods. On request, we will be happy to send you confirmation from our insurer that we have been claim-free since 2008!
We do not charge you any fancifully described additional costs. All our prices are all in, plus the valid statutory VAT.
Any type of shipment tracking is possible! We can even track your package if you wish. We would be happy to explain more details to you in person, as this is a question that is very much geared to the service you have chosen.
For regularly recurring shipments, we are happy to offer you a discount in the form of a discount scale: If you pre-book 15 identical transport orders, you only pay for 14 consignments in advance and receive the 15th one free of charge. Further discount scales are possible at any time by arrangement. Please feel free to contact us in this regard.